Walk in Peace
War does damage quickly and takes decades to repair. Jubilee is committed to helping with the healing, and an especially close relationship has grown up between Jubilee and the people of Nicaragua. During Jubilee’s Año de Jubileo program in the 1980s we hosted more than 1300 Central American refugees. Jubilee people were often shocked and saddened to see the tragic effects of our U.S. policies in that region. The “Walk in Peace” campaign began in 1986 to provide funding and support for land mine victims and prosthesis development in Nicaragua. It continues today primarily as a scholarship program for young Nicaraguans. Scholarships are provided through two excellent organizations, Vida Joven Nicaragua and Centro Cultural Batahola Norte, with whom we have worked for many years.
To donate to the Walk in Peace program, send a check to Jubilee with a note specifying that the donation is for Walk in Peace. We will forward 100% of the money to our partners in Nicaragua.

Vida Joven (Young Life) participants in Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Vida Joven (Young Life) works with youth from all over the country of Nicaragua. Music, games, camping, and drama are all used to help these young people find God’s love for them in the midst of poverty and other consequences of war. Besides scholarships, we also provide money for their emergency medical fund.

Friends of Batahola in Managua, Nicaragua
Batahola Norte is a barrio of Managua, where Catholic church workers have built an island of hope in a sea of extreme poverty. Music, painting, worship services, and lots of love are given to the youth in God’s name.

Jubilee’s Año de Jubileo bus in the 1980’s