The life of our community is rooted in the teachings and person of Jesus Christ, and reflects the hope that we have in Christ’s resurrection. Our hospitality ministry is motivated by Jesus’s example of love for all people, as well as by the biblical commands to seek justice for those who are vulnerable or marginalized in society. In our relationships with one another, we are guided by Jesus’s teachings on humility, service, accountability, and forgiveness.
Our common life is nourished by shared practices of prayer, worship, and listening to scripture, which are woven into our daily life together. Members of our community represent different Christian traditions and express their faith in a variety of ways. We hold this diversity in love as we follow Jesus together. Our unity as a Christian community is expressed in Jubilee’s affirmation of faith:
We affirm that Jesus is Lord. Our life together is a response to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We joyfully order our lives in the belief that he calls us to love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves.