Reconnecting and Remembering Friends
Although it’s impossible to give an exact count of the number of families Jubilee has hosted over the years, we do know we aren’t able to keep up with every one over the years. That said, we really value the opportunities we have to reconnect. We love having visits from former residents on Thanksgiving and other holidays and our ongoing friendships with Karen and Karenni families who have settled in Comer.
Several weeks ago, two partner families visited a mother and five children who lived with us for a year from 2020-2021. Because the family has a humanitarian visa pending, they continue to face many hurdles to life here in the U.S. as they wait for the backlogged immigration system to review their case. And for this reason, we are thankful for the support and connection this family is receiving from Koinonia Farm, in particular a Bruderhof volunteer couple who has formed a strong bond with the family. Having an active network of loving folks around the country that we can turn to when families move on from Jubilee is a gift.
Some of you may remember Ryan and Karen Karis, one of three founding couples from Koinonia who started Jubilee back in 1979 and have lived most recently in Minneapolis. Ryan, a dear friend to many here, passed away earlier this year. Please pray for comfort for his family and friends.
We would also appreciate your prayers for the two Afghan families that have lived with us the last three and a half months and moved to Jonesboro (just south of Atlanta) this week. (It was a blessed season for us!) In particular, please pray for health issues, concern for family that recently left Afghanistan, for relative safety in Pakistan and of course, the uncertainty of the future and grieving the loss of home.