Pray for the Karen Community in Comer
A significant moment for the whole extended Jubilee/Comer family was a tragic car accident that happened on May 28th. A car load of young Karen men were heading for snacks just a quarter mile from their Comer workplace when they were struck by an oncoming truck. The 3 young men in the back seat died and the 2 in front survived with minor physical injury. The 2 brothers in front had a brother in the back seat.
Understandably this was, and still is, a devastating moment for our entire community. There have been many tears, sleepless nights, and deep crying out to God. At the same time, it’s been inspiring to see the community pull together around a triple funeral and many times of fellowship in the homes of those who lost loved ones. The Holy Spirit has proved to truly be a comforting presence.
We appreciate your support and invite your prayers for the family and friends of: Thai Htoo, 19, who just graduated from Madison county high school in May and planned to be a camp counselor this summer; Saw Yo Ah, 19, who enjoyed Bible study and mentoring young people; and Gler Taw, 25, who deeply loved his new wife and 9-month old daughter.