Mural at the Jubilee Shop
This winter Jubilee property became a little more beautiful! Resident artist, Tracy Newton, painted a massive mural on the side of our maintenance building. It is a sweeping, vibrant scene of a Jubilee pond. A richly colored Great Blue Heron (with a persimmon leaf in its beak) is flying over the water and two others are nesting in a tree by the shore.
Tracy writes:
The image for this mural came from the story that when the founders of Jubilee first visited this land, they saw a Great Blue Heron and persimmon trees and received those as signs that this was good land. I wanted to celebrate the beauty of this land and honor the life that has been here long before any of us arrived. There are two herons building a nest together, a reference to the teamwork and construction that especially happens at this site (the “Shop”). I also wanted to honor the humble and often unnoticed tasks that take place at this corner of the property: cars and bikes are fixed, the details of our homes are sanded and measured, caskets are built, etc etc! Blessings to all who contribute to wellness and beauty in the world through ordinary, unseen tasks.
This is Tracy’s second mural. The first was completed in 2022; see here for more details on that project: