Please join us in praying
for our friends from Burundi.
Letter from a Hospital Room
I began writing this letter from the hospital room of a Burundian refugee family who recently arrived in the US and have been living at Jubilee awaiting next steps in their resettlement. Recently, one of the family members experienced complications resulting from an existing condition diagnosed in his birth country several years ago. He was taken by ambulance from Jubilee to the ER during early morning hours. A scary experience for anyone, but particularly those who are new to this country and its medical systems. Please join us in praying that this life-threatening emergency will result in his receiving a long overdue medical procedure.
This situation is only the latest medical emergency that we experienced over the last month. Two very young siblings had to be hospitalized, only days apart, one of whom was airlifted to Atlanta. We are thankful that both of them have fully recovered.
So, we find that even after 43 years we are amazed and thankful for how God has provided in every way. In the midst of trials, joy is amplified! Again, thank you so much for your support. And please continue to hold us in your prayers as we seek strength and wisdom in every situation that comes our way.