Hosting new families from Afghanistan
In October, a Guatemalan teenager, who arrived in the U.S. as an unaccompanied minor, came to live with us. Later this month she will move on to a family that will become her legal guardian and provide a home as she studies and waits (for years) for her visa to be processed. We are overjoyed when these kinds of connections are made.
Shortly before Thanksgiving we also welcomed two Afghan families to live with us for several months. The two fathers are cousins, and both of these large families spent one month living at an army base in New Mexico and then another month at a hotel in Atlanta before being referred to Jubilee.
The new playground that was completed at the Welcome Center earlier this year is now very busy! Between the two Afghan families there are fifteen children, ranging in age from one to sixteen years (nine girls and six boys). We are very thankful to the Madison County Schools for welcoming these new students.
Please join with us in praying for these families as they continue to process their sudden move from all that they’ve ever known and concern for family members who are still in danger.
Please also be in prayer for the community as we will have a busy December and January with several families going away for the holidays, a class schedule to keep up with, Elizabeth and Matt Hussey expecting a baby mid-December, and a smaller than usual volunteer group for the spring.