Everyone gathers around to pray as we
dedicate this new life into God’s care.
Happy Mother's Day!
Part of the joy of living at Jubilee is being able to celebrate significant life events and witnessing the growth that we see in each other.
On a warm Sunday evening a few weeks ago we had a baby dedication for a girl whose name means ‘origin, or beginning.’ Yesterday her mom shared how the dedication, like the name, truly was part of a new beginning for her.
After challenging and painful circumstances, she is grateful for the life of her daughter and for where God has taken her on her journey of faith. She said that it was with gratitude that she dedicated the life of her daughter into God’s care. And, for the rest of us, it was a special time to commit to nurturing this child as she grows. To close the time, the mom took her child through the rows of wooden chairs and each one of us, young and old, placed a hand on the baby in blessing.
We are grateful for you, our partners. Your support helps make it possible to share life with this young mom and baby and offer them a home in this season. May you also experience new life and growth this Spring.