Fighting for Peace on Behalf of our Friends in Prison
After an eighteen-month hiatus because of Covid, Jubilee’s prison
visitation has resumed. Every month, Robbie and Al visit four men
currently on death row. Twice a year, Al visits six former death row
prisoners whose sentences have been changed to life. In addition, Blake
visits one of these men twice a year. This has been going on—same
visitors/same prisoners—for decades. All of these relationships have
deepened–marked by intense ups and downs. Now we are getting old
together. That is a lot harder for the ten of us locked up in cages. But
they are resilient.
For the first time, GFADP (Georgians for Alternatives to the Death
Penalty) has a full-time executive director. Cathy
Harmon-Christian–like her mentor and our friend Mary Catherine Johnson
at NHH (New Hope House)–works tirelessly for the prisoners and their
families. On September 14, Cathy and Mary Catherine co-hosted the annual
GFADP awards event in Atlanta. Thirteen people from Jubilee/Comer
attended. Among those honored were the regional vigil leaders from
around the State, including former Jubilee volunteer Angie Martin,
representing the Comer Quaker Meeting. Angie had organized the vigil for
Willie Pye, who was executed back in March. From Jubilee and the Quaker
Meeting and our friends, 33 children, women, and men participated!