A New Year and New Volunteers
It’s a brand-new year and a brand-new volunteer term here at Jubilee. We are grateful that Caylynn Townes, who volunteered in the fall, has chosen to stick around for the spring term. Caylynn has thrived in her role as ESOL teacher, bringing fun and enthusiasm to her lessons and quickly bridging cultural gaps with smiles and humor.
New on board this spring are Chris and Dianne Fuller, son and daughter-in-law of Habitat for Humanity co-founders Millard and Linda Fuller. Recently retired, these two are hoping to share a bit of their teaching, Habitat organization, and Koinonia experience with us.
We are also especially grateful this term for the addition of Hakim, an Afghan international PhD student who has had to put his studies on hold. He plans to stay at Jubilee for the spring term as an extended working guest. He will be teaching at the Jubilee school and participating in community work, as well as translating for Afghan students both at Jubilee and Comer Elementary School. Having him around makes communicating with our two Afghan families much clearer!
Please join with us in praying for our current volunteers as they adjust to Jubilee life in the middle of yet another wave of COVID complications. Common meals and activities, which would otherwise continue outside, have temporarily halted due to the cold. Not having these events as opportunities to connect can definitely affect the regular sense of togetherness that we feel in our work.